Words about being happy

The art of being happy. It surely is an art. A balance. A dance. It’s not still, but it does involve stillness. It means being kind to yourself. It takes responding to what comes at you with grace. It takes gratitude.  It also takes knowing when to let off some steam. It takes knowing where you wanna go, what you like, and who you like. It takes being present in your days and those moments of reflection. Happiness is right here. Happiness is in spite of. Happiness is a choice, a choice to see that every moment we are given is a blessing. The more we tune into this, the more we feel in sync with our purpose. It's not just about always staying on the bright side, the sunny side, or in the light. Because to do this is to ignore our own darkness. To do this stifles a part of ourselves that is afraid, angry, sad or lonely.  To be whole, to be happy, we invite those dark parts of ourselves to come with us into the light.  

Happiness takes trust. A trust in yourself and trust in something greater, whether that’s God, the universe, intuition, or your gut. Trust in something other than your plan for life because, let's face it, life never goes to plan. Take a deep breath and mean it. There is alway something wonderful happening.
